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Hi there.

Since you're here it means you're either looking for a new job or want to hire a world class professional.


What is

I'm glad you asked. I's a place where you can:

  1. Create a resume and easily share it with the world. It'll stay anonymous as long as you want it to.

  2. Browse through top class talens from around the globe. See their compensation expectations and preffered location to see if they can be a match for your role opening.

Now, let's see how it works.

What do you want to do?

I want to

  1. 1

    Create resume

    Fill your professional experience, education, skills and anything you'd like to share.

  2. 2

    Specify your expectations

    Specify your ideal compensation, currency and location. Preffer to work remote? You can specify this too!

  3. 3

    Recruiter's request

    When recruiters want to see your full destails they will send a request. You'll get a notification that someone is interested.

  4. 4

    Accept or deny

    Got a notification? You can see the details about the recruiter. You can accept and recruiter will see your full resume details or deny - then you'll stay anonymous.

  5. 5

    Recruiters will reach out

    When you accept the request recruiters will see your contact information. If they are still interested they will reach out to you via email.

  6. ?

    That's cool, but I want to apply to a job offer

    You can send a link to your profile with a passowrd or add a specific email address in settings.

OK. Why would I use it?

There are multiple reasons.

  1. 1. Save money.

    That's an obvious reason. No more need to post the offer on multiple job boards.

  2. 2. Save time.

    No need to browse through resumes that are not even close to what you're looking for. Get in touch with candidates that will match your company best.

  3. 3. Easier management.

    No more juggling between different platforms and resumes in various formats. Everything you need in one place.

Ready to jump in?


Start by logging in here.

Still have some questions?

No worries! Leave us a meesage and we'll get back to you.
